
White company rankings.

The summary of the survey called " white company rankings for female students " , Showa Women's University has announced the 13th . The subjects were banking and service industry , Dentsu and Benesse Holdings, has entered the top in the service industry . That was calculated based on the woman and became permanent employees and adequacy of the system that is easy to balance work and family .
Seems to be based on the interest of the working environment to the poor "black company " is high among students refrain from job hunting , and to reflect the ease of working from the point of view of women , " women a percentage of management ," " average length of service was calculated by indexing such as gender gap " of the 16 items .
As a result , Benesse was lead in the company you want to recommend " while both the work-life balance , you want to be extremely career woman " to the student . Such that the difference between men and women of average length of service is small , women account for about 32 percent of managers led to a high evaluation .
In addition to female ratio of department managers or more is about 12 percent , that the mechanism of balance , such as flex-time support systems are in place was evaluated EPS of second place.
Showajoshidai are the future , to extend the target to other industries . I want you to build a ranking by examining the spread interest in a variety of industries . Please make use of the many job hunting it .

昭和女子大学は「女子学生のためのホワイト企業ランキング」と名付けた調査をまとめ、13日発表した。対象はサービス業と銀行業で、サービス業ではベネッセ ホールディングスや電通が上位に入った。仕事と家庭を両立しやすい制度の充実度や女性登用実績などを基に算出したという。
 その結果、「ワークライフバランスを両立しつつ、キャリアウーマンも極めたい」学生に勧めたい企業ではベネッセが首位だった。平均勤続年数 の男女差が小さく、管理職の約32%を女性が占めることなどが高評価につながった。
 2位のイーピーエスは部長職以上の女性比率が約12%であるほか、フ レックスタイム制度など両立支援の仕組みが整っていることが評価された。  

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