
I found out that the gas carbon and oxygen, and sodium is out of Aeson comet.

The 22nd, a team of Kyotosangyodai the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has announced that it has discovered in the Subaru Telescope of the U.S. Hawaii Island, that the gas oxygen and carbon, and sodium is out of Aeson comet is approaching the sun.
By looking at the components of the ice other than the main component of Aeson comet, it will lead to elucidation of the origin and mechanism to brighten suddenly.
16th immediately after the Aeson comet was bright rapidly, observes in the apparatus of Subaru telescope to measure it broken into each wavelength light, the team gets the data of high accuracy. As a result of the analysis, that the sodium atoms are out actively, especially from comet has been found.
I want to hope that the origin of comets and the cause of the emission becomes clear.


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