
Lovejoy comet

While it is Aeson comet aqueous was collected as expected "Astronomy up to this year's show " has collapsed , comet Lovejoy has received a lot of attention of astronomy fan , et al .
Early morning of the 7th , how beautifully shining in the sky from east-northeast of Obihiro, Hokkaido has been confirmed .
September this year , astronomers in Australia was discovered comet Lovejoy . According to the Sapporo Science Center , and that can also be seen with the naked eye if the sky is darker . AraAkira 's astronomical museum clerk speak as " a chance to enjoy the comet observed this month ."
The Ravujoi comet is a comet that belong to the Kreutz group . Despite passing through the very close distance of 130,000 km from the Sun's surface , it became a hot topic as a comet survived without collision and evaporation . Then , show a bright and majestic figure in the Southern Hemisphere of the Christmas season , and it is also called the " great comet of Christmas 2011 " .
It appeared in the sky lower east but past 3:00 , Lovejoy comet raise the altitude gradually . It becomes brighter day by day , but binoculars are recommended for observation . Since the visible range becomes narrow in the astronomical telescope , it does not turn too much to find the comet . In addition , if a dark place , you'll be able to see with the naked eye . By the measures against cold , why not also observed you .

 ラヴジョイ彗星 とは、クロイツ群に属する彗星である。太陽表面から13万kmという極めて近い距離を通過したにもかかわらず、蒸発や衝突せずに生き残った彗星としても話題になった。その後、クリスマス・シーズンの南半球で明るく雄大な姿を見せ、「2011年クリスマスの大彗星 」とも呼ばれている。
 ラブジョイ彗星は午前3時を過ぎると東の低い空に姿を現し、徐々に高度を上げます。日増しに明るくなっていますが、観察には双眼鏡がおすすめです。天体望遠鏡では見える範囲が狭くなってしまうため、彗星を見つけるのにはあまり向きません。また、暗い場所なら、肉眼でも見ることができるでしょう。 防寒対策をして、あなたも観察してみませんか。

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