
It won first place in three categories: four categories of "KEI" is "HPC Challenge Award Class 1".

Contest in the United States to evaluate the overall performance of the supercomputer "HPC Challenge Benchmark" , first place in three categories: four categories of " HPC Challenge Award Class 1" University of Tsukuba RIKEN and was jointly developed by the "KEI" I won . It was announced (local time ) November 21, 2013 an international conference being held in the United States , " SC13 " .
   " ( Operation speed of solving a system of linear equations large ) Global HPL " , " ( memory access speed of multiple load ) EP STREAM (Triad) per system " , Kyoto 's won the first place , " Global FFT in " ( overall performance of the fast Fourier transform ) , " ( random memory access performance in parallel inter-process ) " Global RandomAccess was the second place , behind the supercomputer from IBM.
   '11 First place in all four divisions , it was the same result as the '13 is '12 .
   In addition , I was awarded for the first time in Japan " 2 HPC Challenge Award class " to evaluate the overall performance of the programming language .
KIE it might be good to go with the best in the world when you see in a comprehensive manner . I wonder would not it .

   京が1位を獲得したのは、「Global HPL(大規模な連立1次方程式を解く演算速度)」、「EP STREAM(Triad) per system(多重負荷時のメモリアクセス速度)」、「Global FFT(高速フーリエ変換の総合性能)」で、「Global RandomAccess(並列プロセス間でのランダムメモリアクセス性能)」はIBMのスパコンに次ぐ2位だった。

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