
Birthday of 80 years old.

The 23rd , the Emperor was greeted the birthday of 80 years old. Became a 80 -year-old to reign in the emperors is the second person following the Emperor Showa .
And said, " I want to play a role as long as they are accepting limited by age , it can be " according to the conference with Miyauchi press conference at the Imperial Palace , Palace Prior to this , showed willingness to fulfill its duty as a symbol emperor .
I mentioned the " war of the previous " as an event that is most impressive in 80 years . His Majesty welcomed the end of the war 11 -year-old elementary school last year . And said, " really painful to think that many people who were living with a variety of dream is ahead , lost their lives at a young age ."
And I think come the majesty that has been come in contact with on many occasions . Thank you for that from the standpoint of parents in Japan , with this little mind giving out contact with the people at all times . Happy birthday really . I think I would like to face the public service have been made aware of the body . I am sincerely hope that roughness is healthy and his wife Majesty .


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