
Development of a special egg to prevent obesity just to eat.

The development of a special egg to prevent obesity just eat , company e double Nutrition Japan Gifu and ( functional food science ) Nagaoka professor of Gifu University is working . In a way that made ​​the chicken antibody to reduce the absorption of fat , I confirmed the effect with the mouse recently . This month , I published a paper magazine in the UK ( electronic version ) .The decomposed by an enzyme called "lipase " lipid eating , humans and animals are absorbed from the intestine . To prevent from becoming obese too takes a lipid , a method of suppressing the action of lipase 's means of one . Overseas, lipase inhibitors are also popular , but there were side effects such as hepatitis .Nagaoka and his colleagues have succeeded in making using the chicken , proteins that interfere with work by binding only to lipase (antibody ) . First, the produced lipase antibodies by injecting lipase swine chickens . Thereafter , purified egg yolk enriched antibody of their parents , is utilized as health food ingredients obtained .I want you to put to practical use as soon as when it was do prevent obesity just to eat .


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