
Noodle shop hosted a ladder near the bike or on foot(自転車や徒歩でそば店をはしごする催し)

12 days, the Noodle shop hosted a ladder near the bike or on foot was held in the city Comoros. About 90 people, 35 km bike, walk around a few hours over the course of 11 km, at the store tasted buckwheat 3.
As an event the day before the "hill climb Kurumazakatoge" climb up the steep slope of bicycle tournament is about 1,000 meters above sea level, planning for the first time the Executive Committee. In addition to the tournament, it aims to PR the charm of the city and feel the history and Komoro delicious.

I want to appeal to appeal through various projects from the hustle and bustle of the old days, but there is a sense of Komoro had been left out of station there also has gotten away from the Nagano Shinkansen station traditional Komoro. Ladder of soba, I wanted to participate too. I want to again conducted near the new season.


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