Waseda University founds a free lecture to learn international politics or cross-cultural understanding for all students from April. 500 or more begin the attendance of all 50 lectures. Of these, I choose 15 people and dispatch you in 5 American influential universities including University of Washington for one year in 2013. I exempt you, and the voyage costs pay the local tuition one approximately 300,000 yen, too.
I establish the lecture to lecture on the global problems such as environmental problems to with the student who came for studying abroad after return home from the U.S. side 5 University and teach the English article.
Ritsumeikan University established "the campus Asia program" the student whom I chose at each university studied abroad together, and to learn in partnership with Korean East-West universities, Chinese 広東外語外貿大学 in April. It applies to ten people of the department of literature one or two years student in total and learns Korean, Chinese without receiving it in 12. I distribute one year for the third semester and I go around each university every term and learn and, in 13, 14, share the dormitory life. The tuition studying abroad exempts you.
Hitotsubashi University dispatched you in British Oxford University, the London school of economics one by one in 12 and I stood and gave a system to pay up to 3,500,000 yen to one.
Meiji University establishes a studying abroad preparations lecture (all 15 times) that a unit can take as a regular class in all departments in 11 by the aid package for wide students. When I learned at the university which the studying abroad for exchange did not apply to in 12, I began a system to assist up to 300,000 yen. When a university pushes it from behind, I am conscious towards the outside, and the Japanese whole will have to switch it likewise.
海外への関心が薄い「内向き志向」が指摘される学生向けに、早稲田大学、一橋大学など主要大学が相次ぎ留学支援を広げている。世界で活躍する人材を育てるた め、選抜した少数の学生に留学機会を与え、高額の資金も援助。一方、多くの学生に留学を促そうと相談窓口や留学プログラムも充実させている。
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