
Withdrawal "faster than light"(「光より速い」撤回)

About the speed of subatomic neutrino proceed, the group "OPERA" and other international research Nagoya University, we decided to fix the experimental results were announced last year "faster than light."

Last month, again on the experiment you have resolved the deficiencies of the experiment had been pointed out, there was no clear difference was the speed of light and neutrinos. In de facto withdrawal, to be reported in the international conference to be held in neutrino astrophysics from Kyoto 3 days.

OPERA, skip the neutrino from (CERN) European Joint Authority for Nuclear Research near Geneva, Switzerland, to measure the duration of the Institute of Italy away about 730 kilometers-meters. Was announced in September last year, the results of 60 nanoseconds (one billionth of a nano) that was reached earlier than the light neutrinos. Was noted whether it is not overturn the theory of relativity of Einstein was "not exceed the speed of light" and. Stronghold of the theory of relativity is simple. He is not likely to collapse.

OPERAは、スイス・ジュネーブ近郊の欧州合同原子核研究機関(CERN)からニュートリノを飛ばし、約730キロ・メートル離れたイタリアの 研究所までの所要時間を測定。ニュートリノが光より60ナノ秒(ナノは10億分の1)早く到達したという結果を、昨年9月に発表した。「光速は超えられな い」としたアインシュタインの相対性理論を覆すのではないかと注目された。相対性理論の牙城は簡単には崩れそうにありませんね。

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