The ministry was reported at the meeting the government's national strategy held on August 4 the backbone of the education reform, including universities. 5 days to announce a detailed plan on its university reform. Formulated the "vision" University policy and basic-looking 12 year after 30 years, the development mechanism of reform in fiscal 13.14, to finish the reform plans in fiscal year 15-17.
The plan, some 86 national universities across the country are asked to come up with measures to reform and redefine the role of all departments within the next year, prompting a restructuring of the undergraduate college and beyond. Many engineering and medical teacher training system, the number of overlapping objective is to undertake during the current fiscal year in advance.
Also introduces a system which can be set up or organization operates a national university corporation of one or more universities, public and private large countries in the region to jointly perform the same liberal arts education. Conduct education and research in the share of high-quality faculty and facilities, also aim to reduce expenses.
Entrance examination reform to foster human resources to proactively think started the discussion with the Central Council for Education, such as from this summer. Proposals and to determine pass or fail in conjunction with the interview results to the system shown in several steps the test center, plan to introduce a standardized test question the power of knowledge and thinking skills that take advantage of it. University to support and conduct joint selection of multiple universities, the admissions polite over time.
And improved the quality of education such as increasing the learning time outside of class, fall enrollment, and work to increase financial support to the University students. On the other hand, strengthen the guidance of private university management to deterioration due to the low birthrate.
The ministry asked the university reform as soon as possible in the sorting and budget proposals of government policy type of last year, had been promoting the development plan from December last year.
Have a clear direction and goals of education purpose as a nation, it would be a drastic change for the whole higher education from primary education to center it. It will be enhanced more should go to graduate school to about 2 to 3 years instead of four-year universities. I think we should let the admissions policy changed significantly.
文 部科学省が2017年度までに進める大学改革の工程表「大学改革実行プラン」が4日、明らかになった。国立大の競争力を高めるために都道府県を超えた学部 や運営法人の再編を促すほか、公私立大と共同で教育研究組織を創設できるようにする。入試改革にも今夏着手し、筆記試験中心の方式から、意欲や適性も総合 的に評価する方式に転換する。
国家として教育の目指す方向や目的を明確にして、それを中心に初等教育から高等教育全般に対して抜本的な改革をすべきでしょうね。大学も4年制でなく2年〜3年程度にして 大学院をもっと充実させていくべきでしょうね。入試制度も大きく変化をさせていくべきだと思いますね。
国家として教育の目指す方向や目的を明確にして、それを中心に初等教育から高等教育全般に対して抜本的な改革をすべきでしょうね。大学も4年制でなく2年〜3年程度にして 大学院をもっと充実させていくべきでしょうね。入試制度も大きく変化をさせていくべきだと思いますね。
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