
I pray that it is established as a new life(新しい命として定着することを祈る思いです)

Surgery is to be ported to girls under 10 years of dilated cardiomyopathy, the heart was provided by a child who is brain dead for the first time as under the age of six, based on the organ transplant laws amendment afternoon 15 days, hospital Osaka University, Suita, Osaka (was successfully completed in). Osaka University Hospital explained, "such as the movement of the heart to resume before the end of surgery, movement of the heart is very good" at a news conference.

In the country there is a case in 2000, received a heart transplant from a woman in their 20s 8-year-old boy. Detailed age of girls this time has not been released, the youngest boy and according to an official below the transplant.

Of liver failure in girls under the age of 10, women in their 60s of chronic glomerulonephritis, kidney transplantation, respectively both in Toyama, Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital in the liver (Tokyo) National Research Center for Child Health and Development.

Relay for Life is done, I pray that it is established as a new life. Yeah, and you will not forget the parents think of behind it.

改正臓器移植法に基づき6歳未満として初めて脳死と判定された男児が提供した心臓を、拡張型心筋症の10歳未満の女児へ移植する手術が15日午後、 大阪大病院(大阪府吹田市)で無事終了した。大阪大病院は記者会見で「手術終了前に心臓の動きが再開するなど、心臓の動きは大変良い」と説明した。

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