
Three-dimensional survey(3次元測量)

"Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd." and aerial survey company Kashiharakokogakukenkyusho Nara Prefectural five days, a helicopter, a (Sakurai city prefecture) There is a theory of keyhole-shaped tomb of Queen Himiko-Yamataikoku, tumulus tomb chopsticks announced the detailed shape mound was found a three-dimensional surveying (3D) laser surveying equipment was installed. For the front part of the same tumulus, there was a view of four-stage structure so far, turned out to stage 3. There was a theory on the side of the front part is that there will be no stage, was confirmed to be present. It was found that there is also the first rise of donut-shaped in the rear section.

In a way to measure the irradiation of laser light per second from 500 to 400 000 meters high, three-dimensional map can be prepared by reading in detail the terrain even though the lush trees.

  The same tumulus tombs are managed as the Imperial Household Agency, which severely limits the general entry. Have not only a rough survey map of the Taisho era so far, as "an important document was obtained to explore the transition of the burial mounds," the institute.

  The 3D survey in the keyhole at the same time Tenri Prefecture, Kofun Tonozuka west. Publish up to 17 at the Museum Institute for the same, the video of three-dimensional map.

I hope you feel that the internal investigation of the tombs also to clarify the ancient history of Japan. I hope the decision of any public inquiry on the open up a new era of Japan and Korea.

奈良県立橿原考古学研究所と航空測量会社「アジア航測」は5日、邪馬台国の女王・卑弥呼の墓との説がある前方後円墳、箸墓古墳(同県桜井市)を、ヘリコプターに搭載したレーザー測量装置で3次元(3D)測量して判明した詳しい墳形を発表した。 同古墳の前方部について、これまで4段構造との見方があったが、3段と判明。前方部の側面には段が無いとの説があったが、存在することを確認した。後円部にドーナツ状の高まりがあることも初めて分かった。
  同県天理市にある前方後円墳、西殿塚古墳も同時に3D測量した。 立体地図の動画を、同研究所附属博物館で17日まで公開する。

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