
775 years, a large number of cosmic rays showering the earth's(775年、大量の宇宙線が地球に降り注いだ)

Associate Professor of Nagoya University Masuda et al. Komei, ascertained from the analysis of tree rings of Yaku cedar, and that's a large amount of cosmic rays showering the earth from space in the year 775. The amount of cosmic rays are affected, such as supernova explosions and solar activity, a phenomenon known so far had been about unexplained explosion. There is a possibility at that time, the environment surrounding the earth has changed a lot.

Pour into Earth and cosmic rays, accumulate in the growing number of radioactive carbon in the atmosphere under the influence. The research team examined the growth rings of old Yakusugi in 1900. Was 20 times the amount of radioactive carbon increase the amount of 775 years of the Nara period increased 12% in one year, and the influence of solar activity is considered normal.

Looking at variation of radiocarbon in the past had been analyzed in units of 10 years so far, and dissect on a per-year basis, can be known more correctly the global environment, and to aid in the prediction of environmental change in the future.

Also look back off the Nara period, in that year was Tokushutsu event is happening I do not. Interesting what happened to change how the environment surrounding the Earth. It is long life is really Yakusugi Anyway. I feel like is has been staring at all of the past.

名古屋大学の増田公明准教授らは、775年に宇宙から大量の宇宙線が地球に降り注いだことを、屋久杉の年輪の分析から突き止めた。宇宙線の量は太陽の活動や 超新星爆発などの影響を受けるが、これまで知られている現象では説明がつかないほど急増していた。当時、地球を取り巻く環境が大きく変わった可能性があ る。
 奈良時代を振返ってみても、その年には特出した出来事は起きていませんね。どのような変化が地球を取り巻く環境に起きたのか興味深いですね。 それにしても屋久杉の寿命は本当に長いですね。過去の全てを見つめてきているといった感じですね。

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