
Italian translation of "The Tale of Genji"(「源氏物語」のイタリア語訳)

All translated into Italian the "Tale of Genji" Murasaki Shikibu, Maria Teresa Orsi of (Japanese literature) is 11, held a Memorial Lecture published in The Japan Cultural Institute in Rome of Rome Professor Omoto was published recently. In Italy, from the abridged English translation was present, but so far, is the first complete translation of the Japanese from the original.

Italian version is approximately 1,440 pages, the translation process lasted about 12 years. Mr. Orsi since read the abridged from the English by the time of college students, are attracted to the Tale of Genji, study the original text. Receiving a request from the publisher, began to translate from the year 2000.

Rather than simply translate and "lustful person" the term "person love you" in translation, or had a hard time to get the nuances that how "functional elegance, elegant, sophisticated." A difference such as "Wakagimi" "Little Women" "prince of purple" by the scene of the characters, and the designation of "above the purple," for example, but thought with or are easier to read a unified, as it is with respect to the original also you.

Mr. Orsi has said, "It was great to complete. I've tried too hard to quit many times." Japanese, behind the words, contains a scene from a variety of translation to understand that it is a daunting task I would. The word is Japanese and I also can say that much great. It is the job and be Shosan, precious even on Japanese culture will also conveyed to the Italian-speaking.


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