
Is regrettable as long as(惜しい限りです)

The eldest son of Mikasa MIYAKE, His Royal Highness Prince Tomohito cousin of the Emperor falls 35 minutes at 3:00 pm 6 Sun, passed away at the hospital hall apricot cloud of the target, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo hospital. A 66-year-old, the throne was a crude ranking # 6. On the other hand is poured heart and soul to people with disabilities, such as welfare, was popular with the "Prince of the beard" from the people in your friendly personality. Seen, and be conducted in the cemetery of Toshima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Oka hit the funeral of our general "ceremony of the kensou".
Tomohito is our January 5, 1946, as the eldest son of His Royal Highness Prince your birth (Takahito) youngest brother of Emperor Hirohito, Takahito Mikasa. Through the Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University, after the war, as the royal family was to learn to study abroad at Oxford University in Britain for the first time. I like skiing very much known as, was addressed through the ski and welfare of the disabled and youth. Since age is imperative that should still hard, it is really regrettable. I just sincerely pray for his soul.

三笠宮家の長男で、天皇陛下のいとこにあたる寛仁親王殿下が6日午後3時35分、入院先の東京都千代田区の杏雲堂病院で逝去された。66歳、皇位継承順位 は第6位であられた。障害者福祉などに心血を注がれる一方、気さくなお人柄で国民から「ヒゲの殿下」と親しまれた。一般のご葬儀にあたる「斂葬(れんそ う)の儀」は、東京都文京区の豊島岡墓地で執り行われるとみられる。
 寛仁さまは昭和21年1月5日、昭和天皇の末弟、三笠宮崇仁(たかひと)親王殿下の長男としてご誕生。学習院大学法学部を経て、戦後、皇族としては初めての海外留学で英オックスフォード大学に学ばれた。 大変なスキー好きとして知られ、スキーを通じて身障者や青少年の福祉などに取り組まれた。まだまだ頑張っていただかなければならない年齢ですから、本当に惜しいことですね。心からご冥福をお祈りするばかりです。

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