
The hair growth effect in broccoli sprouts.

" Shaggy " portion of broccoli feature . If there is a hair growth effect to ( shoot ) the Sprout , and Kinki University " hair clinic leave 21" , summarizes the research results in collaboration . I will announce in the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan to be held in Kumamoto City from March 27 .
Broccoli Sprout in germination freshly , rather than " shaggy " in appearance , it's Kaiwaredaikon style . Is effective in cancer prevention , I can buy in the supermarket .
According to the study, and hang down to the cells of the dermal papilla to grow hair , this extract , the number of cells was increased to about 1.8 times . Amount substance emanating from the dermal papilla when the hair stretches of " BMP4 " was also up 40% .
Kawasaki Professor of Kinki University School of Pharmacy was studying to speak with " unknown you want to find out whether there is any effect on any component of Sprout . Hair may or may extend to eat ." Reeve 21 , also think that incorporation into the hair tonic research goes according .
 If hair Nobile to eat , I is not Thankfully this . I want you to publish the results by additional experiments someone . If it is not good at this, I wonder if I put on scalp to extract the extract by grinding . Even so, it is quite cumbersome . It might be faster but is to take advantage of a commercially available product .

「もじゃもじゃ」部分が特徴のブロッコリー。そのスプラウト(新芽)に育毛効果があると、近畿大学と「毛髪クリニック リーブ21」が、共同で研究結果をまとめた。3月27日から熊本市で開かれる日本薬学会で発表する。

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