
It may be that is becoming a dangerous situation.

The 27th , 56th lecture Nara " sound argument " social gathering was held in Nara Hotel in Nara , Sakurai Yoshiko Mr. journalist is speech titled " Challenges of inside and outside now , Japan will face " , " the United States it warned it is diluted to the involvement of the international community , and " has rocked the foundation of foreign and security of Japan .
It emphasized that " the United States and China to sandwich the Japan is holding the fate of Japan ," said Sakurai he pointed out, " the United States is an ally to disarm , nothing is taking steps against the rise of China " and were . " You are not using what . Weapons has been launch a history problem for Japan , but China 's war unmistakable called" public opinion against '" said the other hand .
Were analyzed , " the United States has continued to concessions to China , Japan might be is being sandwiched between the United States and China not only geographically , but also Concerning historical awareness " he added .
I will we must to face the Juche ideology , communism idea spread to the 38th parallel since the Korean Peninsula Japan and Korea rice become one exactly . Weak-kneed against China in the United States to be the center , the posture of Japan away from the Chinese side of the South Korea , I am very worried . First murder will come out in the Bible . It was a murder between siblings . Brother Cain murdered his brother Abel . Last war is going to happen now is to expand the size and scope starting from the killing . Thought to deny God is communism and from the point of view of the Bible . That is Cain . It is the United States and South Korea and Japan stand in the center of the liberal affirming God . Abel camp must have a united force from its meaning . It may be that is becoming a most dangerous situation to think from such a situation .


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