
Ichitaro 2014.

Joined the standard package ATOK and Ichitaro were set , additional ATOK electronic dictionary and Japanese fonts , graphics software as well as " Hanako ", " premium " , to be released this time , the software such as many more it is a three packages of the " super premium " . Single package will also be released and Hanako ATOK. Based on the conventional functions , Toru Ichitaro 2014 , has been upgraded in the direction of improving the usability more . A representative is the strengthening different -shaped while the same character of " variant character " function . Was the ability to handle the variant character from earlier in ATOK and Ichitaro , but the character type that can be handled by corresponding standards dealing with variant character in the " ISV " is about 50,008 from about 10,008 thousand characters of " 2013 Gen " I have increased significantly, to thousand characters . Panel that can be replaced easily by looking for variant character of the character at the cursor position has also been equipped . In addition to in addition to this , the font contains the variant character more usually called " IPAmj tomorrow morning " is included as standard , and variant forms of many to be added as " premium " and " super-premium " to " JiYu studio font " typeface , including contains . By using these fonts , you'll be able to express in the correct shape a person's name or place name many . Notation of 20 operations can also be of " Watanabe " if " should " . Function of layout -related also been enhanced. I used a special color paper by printing a pattern of colored function that can be set in the format was tight just pick a direction use of paper , size , statement , strengthening of the ability to create a table with borders , the background of each page including the ability to make will not participate . In addition, to strengthen the support of the Kindle format of the Amazon in the data export feature in e-book format , which is mounted in approved 2012 , backup function and will move back up to 500 generations before maximum , usability has been greatly increased . It is truly Ichitaro . It is a feeling such as the vivid face of Japanese word-processing software made ​​in Japan only . I do not might be a worth using .

今回発売されるのは、一太郎とATOKがセットになった標準パッケージと、追加の日本語フォントやATOK用電子辞典、グラフィックスソフト「花子」なども加わった「プレミアム」、さらに多数のソフト類をパッケージした「スーパープレミアム」の3種です。ATOKと花子は単体パッケージも発売されます。  一太郎2014徹は、従来の機能をもとに、より使い勝手を向上させる方向でバージョンアップされました。  代表的なのが、同じ文字ながら字形が異なる「異体字」機能の強化です。一太郎やATOKには以前から異体字を扱う機能がありましたが、異体字を扱う標準規格「ISV」に対応することで扱える文字種が「2013玄」の約1万8千文字から約5万8千文字へと大幅に増えました。カーソル位置の文字の異体字を探して簡単に置換できるパネルも装備されました。  これに加え、通常より多くの異体字を含む「IPAmj明朝」というフォントが標準で付属するほか、「プレミアム」や「スーパープレミアム」に追加される「字游工房フォント」にも多くの異体字を含む書体が含まれます。これらのフォントを用いることで、多くの地名や人名を正しい字形で表現できるようになります。「わたなべ」の「べ」なら20通りの表記も可能です。  レイアウト関連の機能も強化されました。用紙の用途、サイズ、文の向きを選ぶだけでキッチリした書式の設定ができる機能、罫線で表を作る機能の強化、各ページの背景に色つきの模様を印刷して特殊な色用紙を使ったようにする機能などが加わっています。  そのほか、2012承で搭載された電子書籍形式でのデータ書き出し機能でアマゾンのキンドル形式の対応を強化、バックアップ機能が最大500世代前まで戻れるようになるなど、使い勝手は大幅にアップしています。  さすが一太郎ですね。唯一の日本製の日本語ワープロソフトの面目躍如といった感じですね。使ってみる価値はあるかもしれませんね。

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