
The "Higgs boson", "composite particle"? !

Potential unknown particles of multiple bonded to a "composite particle", is the origin generates mass "Higgs particle", found on a computer calculation experiment by a group centered on the Nagoya particle cosmic origin Research Organization was. Higgs is the smallest unit of a substance as "particles" but hypothesis group is correct, it is not the particles. The 24th, I will announce in the Higgs center of British Edinburgh large.Group, 10 people Maskawa Distinguished Professor of Nobel laureate in physics, Yamawaki Professor, Associate Professor Aoki et al.According to Professor Yamawaki, the group, Higgs boson is hypothesized that "composite particles". Based on the premise two unknown particles is that there, we tried to computationally supercomputers, and allowed to bind these two particles, to assemble the particles with the same properties as the Higgs boson.Results of computational experiments for two years, and was able to assemble the particles, such as mass is close to the nature of the Higgs. To collect more data, group to announce a formal paper nearby.Yamawaki Adjunct Professor said, "it was thought atom's smallest unit in the past, but as a small electrons and protons, elementary particles and was discovered further most, it may lead to the unknown world" and are.
"Higgs boson" is a "composite particles", the existence of elementary particles that form it is I will see. Experiment to discover it seems we started. Toward to attract to the Kitakami Mountains "International Linear Collider (ILC)" next-generation accelerator to reproduce immediately after the "birth of the universe, 11-12 relations mayor in the prefecture Ueno and deputy governor of Iwate Prefecture, and economic organization representatives News of both days, and "visited Europe Joint Nuclear Research, in Geneva, the (CERN) also arrived. Japan I might be the key to future research.


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