

To creating iPS cells from human (induced pluripotent stem cells) to help red blood cells of the increase, team of Kyoto and Kagawa was successful. For anemia caused due to kidney, the burden of the body aimed at development of new light treatment than current therapies.
Was made​​, the cells that produce the hormone erythropoietin. So that it is in the kidneys, made ​​according to need oxygen-carrying red blood cells, which serves to urge the bone marrow. I would anemia this hormone has decreased renal function fell.
Hitomi from Assistant Professor of Kagawa is stimulated by chemical substances of several kinds of human iPS cells. From the cells of multiple types of made​​, I sort through the only cells that make the hormone. When injected into mice of anemia the hormone the cells were made​​, the amount of red blood cells is restored. various studies which utilized the iPS cells it is proceeding in a tangible way. We hope that they will led to new treatments.

 香川大の人見助教らは、ヒトのiPS細胞を数種類の化学物質などで刺激。できた複数の種類の細胞から、ホルモンをつくる細胞だけをより分けた。細胞がつくったホルモンを貧血のマウスに注射すると、赤血球の量が回復した。 iPS細胞を活用した様々な研究が具体的な形で進んでいますね。新しい治療法に結びついていくといいですね。

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