

Group of Professor Kataoka et al Kobe graduate school to discover, I announced to the U.S. Academy of Sciences electronic version dated 29, a compound that inhibits the function "Ras (Las)" of proteins involved in the development of many cancers. It is expected that administered to mice of the compound, we suppress the cancer growth, and lead to new anti-cancer drug development.
If the gene that produces the Ras is mutated, Ras is stuck with other proteins, I would like to transmit a signal to the cancerous cells. According to the group, in this case, the ratio is high, especially colon, pancreatic cancer is about 20% of the causes of cancers. It is that because you think there is a protein that is involved in the development of other, and to elucidate them all, I want you to establish a treatment that can support all cancers.


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