
Abenomikusu is, melon and two policy Takahashi Korekiyo Minister of Finance was conducted? !

Tokuma Shoten Publishing Bureau Director Chikaraishi Koichi has expressed the opinion below. It is a situation unlikely to need just delighted in profiling situation is the real economy remains are manipulated specter Abenomikusu.

Amid recession is prolonged, "the world can not escape from deflation, expectations of deflation has risen by economic policy called Abenomikusu of the Abe administration in Japan now. 20 years until now, Japan is suffering from deflation recession much I went out. Noda Prime Minister of the time since a snap election speech in place of debate in November of last year, the depreciation of the yen-high stock proceeds at a stretch it, policies are running anything actually still market has been rising for no.Abenomikusu is made up of three arrows that growth strategy monetary easing large-scale, and fiscal policy, agile, but if you look at the contents of this policy, in fact, Takahashi Korekiyo Minister of Finance in the era of the Great Depression of the early Showa There is a melon and two policies were carried out.When was touched immediately Korekiyo Takahashi has been appointed Minister of Finance, it was a stop of the gold standard. As a result, the yen exchange rate was about ¥ 2 $ 1 under the gold standard, fell to nearly half to about ¥ 4 $ 1. I was to promote exports by making the weaker yen. Then it Ya see I realize monetary easing by performing government bonds heavy buying by the Bank of Japan, but still could not break away from deflation, we promoted boldly expansionary fiscal policy by the government bonds the Bank of Japan is assumed. In addition, if you look at that there is no sufficient effect only correction of the exchange rate due to the depreciation of the yen, we have implemented fiscal policy bold in rapid succession. I can fiscal stimulus and the weak yen policy Takahashi Korekiyo has performed in this way, that it is almost the same as arrow of the first two of Abenomikusu.The problem is the growth strategy of the last. that it gave a lot of finance by the Bank of Japan to buy government bonds is actually would turn around in military budget, opposition military feared the reduction of military spending as soon as you turned to austerity measures and as let 's make it cooler economic Takahashi Finance Minister was heated inviting, Takahashi Korekiyo is from being supposed to be assassinated in 2.26 incident. The thing that is to break away from the deflation, the end that had led to the war.Situation is the same in the U.S. This New Deal policies of President Roosevelt was the same as fiscal policy Korekiyo Takahashi, but that the U.S. also escape from deflation recession finally by war economy of World War II last I was able to. Growth strategy to escape from the Great Depression of the last, I was supposed to prepare the way for the war after all.In deflation worldwide since the collapse of Lehman Brothers this time, it is not likely to be repeated this tragedy, but will not be forgotten that the danger of war that has dogged all the time. '

that Japan and the United States, deep-fried bubble push intentional FRB's and Bank of Japan is not in line with the actual situation in particular, people of both countries many will notice soon.On the other hand, Europe is also very. I do not know what will happen even circumstances Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal.On the other hand, Syria and Israel is a war situation already. Japan and also because is a hoax are the one end, It is eerie. Introduction weak yen, gasoline, such as rise in general prices, is at the most, will take a already starting. Mainly in the Far East, and North Korea Kinakusai situation and China are also glimpses. I do not not be thought that "war" as the worst choice. It is a situation you do not know what will happen. Shareholders and large companies seem to have benefited, but it how can ordinary people will benefit.

徳間書店 出版局局長 力石 幸一氏が以下の意見をのべています。アベノミクスという妖怪に操られて実態経済がままなならい状況の中で喜んでばかりはいられそうにない状況ですよ。

「世 界がデフレから脱出できず不況が長期化するなかで、いま日本では安倍政権のアベノミクスと呼ばれる経済政策によって脱デフレの期待が高まっています。これ までの20年間、日本はずっとデフレ不況に苦しんでた。それが昨年の11月に当時の野田首相が党首討論の場で解散総選挙発言をして以来、一気に円安・株高 が進行し、実際にはまだ何も政策が実行されていないのに相場が上昇してきた。

 一方、イスラエルとシリアは、すでに交戦状況です。 そして日本もその一端をかついでいるのですから、不気味ですね。円安、ガソリンをはじめ、一般物価の値上がりなどは、たいていのところでは、すでに影響が出はじめているでしょう。極東を中心に、北朝鮮・中国などきな臭い状況も見え隠れしています。最悪な選択として「戦争」ということも考えられなくはありませんね。何が起こるかわからない情勢です。大企業や株主は恩恵を受けているようですが、一般庶民が恩恵を受けることができるのでしょうかね。

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