
For the Netherlands the new king coronation attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Prince, an official visit to the country.

The 17th, I found in an interview to the Imperial Household Agency officials that the Crown Prince and his wife, for the Netherlands new king coronation attendance to be held on the 30th, that is an official visit to the country was appointed. Foreign visit of Crown Princess Masako ailing you, since August 2006 it has been staying in the country with your family for one's health. The official visit, it is about 11 years since December '14 I visited New Zealand, the Australian and his wife.

The Imperial Household Agency, I have heard the views of doctors about accompanied by Masako, but in order to give a final judgment that "your visit is possible," and had been considered the visit and his wife.

Visit to determine formally through the Cabinet approval. The schedule is preparing the Imperial Household Agency, and left Japan in government aircraft on the 28th, it is to face the coronation on the 30th. Per return trip home, it is returned to the 3rd to the 2nd. For related events such as banquet hosted by Queen Beatrix, review the attendance while carefully monitoring the physical condition of Masako, to consider attendance by the crown prince alone.

Masako has been recuperating for nine years. There is also the land of Yukari Previously, Prince your family is rested, the Netherlands invited formally in early April and his wife. It was that strong desire to attend.

Being able official visit together with Mr. and Mrs. It is nice news. I think the return would be difficult across the board in public service, but I want you to become some sort of opportunity I will also. And then we will hope to be returning home is starting at your safe.

皇太子ご夫妻が、30日に行われるオランダ新国王即位式出席のため、同国を公式訪問されることが内定したことが17日、宮内庁関係者への取材で分かった。病気療養中の皇太子妃雅子さまの外国ご訪問は、静養のためご一家で同国に滞在された平成18年8月以来。公式訪問としては、ご夫妻でニュージーラ ンド、オーストラリアを訪問した14年12月以来約11年ぶりとなる。
  ご訪問は閣議了解を経て正式に決定する。宮内庁が準備を進めている日程では、28日に政府専用機で日本を出発し、30日に即位式に臨まれる。2日に帰国の 途につき、3日に帰国される。ベアトリックス女王主催の晩餐会などの関連行事については、雅子さまの体調を慎重に見極めながら出席を検討し、皇太子さま単独での出席も検討する。

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