
Lecture of Professor Morita developed domestic rocket "epsilon".

Lecture of Professor Morita Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has developed a domestic rocket "epsilon" of (JAXA) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science is a Children's World Crown Memorial Hall from 10:30 April 6. Elementary school students. Sign up to "〒 227-0036 Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi Nara 700 Kodomonokuni JAXA engagement" to write such as name and address to return postcard. Deadline the 18th (no later than). The lottery, if exceeded, (420 people) capacity. Admission Allowed (under 3 years old free, 100 yen preschooler over the age of 3, 200 yen elementary and junior high school students, high school students 600 yen or more) in the only entrance fee. Us 045.961.2111 special events Public Relations Division Phone.
Certainly, Why not try to attend with your child.

国産ロケット「イプシロン」を開発した宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)宇宙科学研究所の森田教授の講演会が4月6日午前10時半からこどもの国皇太子記念館ホールである。小学生対象。往復はがきに住所・氏名などを書き「〒227−0036横浜市青葉区奈良町700 こどもの国JAXA係」に申し込む。18日締め切り(必着)。定員(420人)を超えた場合は抽選。入園料(3歳未満無料、3歳以上の未就学児100円、小中学生200円、高校生以上600円)のみで聴講可。問い合わせは催事広報課電話045・961・2111。

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