

The 6th , research group at Kyoto announced it had discovered a compound that illuminate only (ES cells and iPS cells) pluripotent stem cells in humans. Pluripotent stem cells, when transplanted ones differentiation into cells of the tissues and organs is insufficient remaining on them , there is a risk of malignant transformation . Using this compound , it becomes possible to easily identify the undifferentiated cells . In the results to help improve the safety of regenerative medicine , it is published U.S. science journal dated 7 in " Cell Ripotsu " .
From the fluorescent compounds 326 games , research group emits strongly pluripotent stem cells in humans , and finds the compound light is weakened in the cells after differentiation , were designated as " KP-1 " . Professor Shinya Yamanaka has also participated in the group .
According to the group , by the action of specific proteins , KP-1 , is discharged outside the cell in the cells after differentiation . However , in cells of undifferentiated , because the action of the protein is low , remains in the cells, that are believed to emit light.
The experimental results , it was possible in different cell types such as cardiomyocytes and blood stem cells , to determine the pluripotent undifferentiated stem cells . Kyoto materials group - Uesugi Professor of Integrated Cell -based ( chemical biology ) is " compared to the conventional method of marking the cells with an antibody , can tell simply by the addition of KP-1 in the culture medium " I'm talking to . I hope that you contribute to the improvement of safety .


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