
Consumption of the original April It seems chilly.

The 21st of three consecutive holidays first day imminent consumption tax increase of first time in 17 years , and mass retailers around the country were crowded with families to stock up daily necessities such as detergent or baby supplies . Customers and to put the cart like a pile products to be " want to buy out even a little cheap " , even people who buy air conditioners for cooling as early . Calm voice also stands out as a " do not want to buy unnecessary rush " . "I finally found a shortage of goods . Even looking for , such as online shopping , you've bought a lot with ." Was purchased about 10 bags of disposable diapers eldest son , male office workers ward who visited Baby Store in Tokyo , Katsushika-ku is packed in the trunk of the car . Of about two months . Employee Katsushika that began hoarding from a month ago I stock up to about 30,000 yen worth , such as children's clothes and about half a year's worth of milk powder . It was complacent and " before it becomes high in the tax increase ." Female employees of the store were surprised " per customer 's normal about 3,000 yen , people who buy it in a mass 10,000 yen or more often this month " he said. Electronics stores in Tokyo's Akihabara crowded . " Use it 's summer , but the tax increase before if you buy anyway ." Male office workers , Koto-ku, Tokyo replacement was about 200,000 yen and air conditioning you use for 10 years . Plans to buy as well as refrigerators and washing machines by the end of March , the budget that one million yen . Female office worker purchased a men's watch of about 350,000 yen as betrothal ebb . Told happy with the " big three percent even so expensive ." May also support the basic software of Microsoft Corp. (OS) of " Windows XP " is ended April 9 , people weigh up the personal computer was also noticeable . Male office worker buy a laptop . Said, " tax increases to support overlap out , pressed the back " he said. Home improvement Koto held unit price is cheaper and buy the multiple same items " bulk buying sale " . Male self-employed Edogawa purchased from the cart full of about a total of 10,000 yen worth and pet supplies and pet bottle beverage box selling . It was regretfully , " I want to buy more in tax increases before , but can not carry any more " he said. Sales of goods is 30% increase year-on-year day of March in the same store . Pet food and detergent is selling well , application of remodeling also called 3-4 times yearly . Housewife Edogawa who bought 12 bottles of detergent puzzled " Is it a smart buyer if stock up on anything, annoying " he said. Women in Shinagawa was calm , " because it a bargain frequently 300 yen . Daily supply of 10,000 yen , tax increase want to avoid unnecessary shopping in swayed " he said. During March , mass merchandisers , etc. Could it be crowded with people who " want to buy cheap out even a little ." However , tax increase I would need to deal calmly Because it is 300 yen 10,000 yen . Consumption of the original April It seems chilly .

17年ぶりの消費増税が目前に迫った3連休初日の21日、各地の量販店などはベビー用品や洗剤などの日用品をまとめ買いする家族連れで混雑した。「少しでも安いうちに買いたい」と商品を山のようにカートに載せる客や、早くも冷房用のエアコンを購入する人も。「焦って不要なものまで買わないようにしたい」と冷静な声も目立った。  「ネット通販などを探しても品薄。やっと見つかり、ついたくさん買ってしまった」。東京都葛飾区のベビー用品店を訪れた同区の男性会社員は、長男の紙おむつを約10袋購入し、車のトランクに詰め込んだ。約2カ月分という。  1カ月前から買いだめを始めたという葛飾区の会社員は粉ミルク約半年分や子供服など約3万円分を買い込んだ。「増税で高くなる前に」と満足そうだった。  店の女性従業員は「通常の客単価は3千円くらいだが、今月は1万円以上まとめて買う人が多い」と驚いていた。  東京・秋葉原の家電量販店も混み合った。「使うのは夏だけど、どうせ買うなら増税前に」。東京都江東区の男性会社員は10年間使ったエアコンを約20万円で買い替えた。3月末までに冷蔵庫や洗濯機なども買う予定で、予算は100万円という。  女性会社員は結納返しとして約35万円の男性向け腕時計を購入した。「高額なので3%でも大きい」とうれしそうに語った。  米マイクロソフトの基本ソフト(OS)「ウィンドウズXP」のサポートが4月9日に終了することもあり、パソコンを品定めする人も目立った。男性会社員はノートパソコンを購入。「サポート切れに増税が重なり、背中を押された」と話した。  江東区のホームセンターは同じ商品を複数買うと単価が安くなる「まとめ買いセール」を開催中。江戸川区の自営業の男性は箱売りのペットボトル飲料とペット用品など計1万円分をカートからあふれるほど購入。「増税前にもっと買いたいが、これ以上運べない」と残念そうだった。  同店では3月の日用品の売り上げが前年比3割増。洗剤やペットフードがよく売れ、リフォーム工事の申し込みも例年の3~4倍という。  洗剤を12本買った江戸川区の主婦は「何を買いだめすれば賢い買い方なのか、悩ましい」と困惑。品川区の女性は「増税額は1万円分で300円。日用品は頻繁に安売りをするので、振り回されて無駄な買い物をしないようにしたい」と冷静だった。 3月中、「少しでも安いうちに買いたい」という人で量販店等はごった返すのかもしれませんね。しかし、増税額は1万円分で300円ですから冷静に対処することが必要でしょうね。4月当初の消費が冷え込みそうですね。

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