
"Primordial gravitational waves"

To have been observed for the first time in radio telescope installed at the South Pole evidence confirming that the universe began to expand to about 13.8 billion years ago , was born causing the big bang of " primordial gravitational waves " , research such as Stanford and Harvard University be configured in person " BICEP2 " project was announced at midnight on the 17th .
Apart from the project , Ohashi Associate Professor to study the gravitational wave in Tokyo large cosmic rays Institute " if it is . Sure I think the figure of the early universe will come precisely known more , but the results wow Nobel Prize -class " I was talking to .
I have believed that when the universe was born in the Big Bang , density is higher at very high temperatures . It is cooled to ( 270.4 degrees Celsius below zero ) 2.7 times the absolute temperature current due to expansion , the temperature is observed as a wave of short wavelength , called " cosmic background radiation" .
Since the low temperature , it is stable atmosphere is dry , Antarctica is suitable for observing with a telescope precisely the weak radio waves of cosmic background radiation that reaches the Earth from anywhere in the universe . BICEP2 project showed that the gravity wave is evidence that captures the phenomenon called the cosmic background radiation "B mode polarization " , began primitive universe expands there . I want to hope that the figure of the early universe becomes clear through this . And I hope to be elucidated why back until the big bang happened .
Observation of gravitational waves who had never been predicted by Einstein , but it was observed 'd say Nobel Prize thing .


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