
I should probably focus on language education.

The 24th, Agency for Cultural Affairs announced the results of the "Public Opinion Poll on national language" of the 2012 fiscal year.

As a result of questions are five, in four "Funpan thing," "the flow rod pointing (pole)," "Yakubusoku" and "do not put the mind", is not the original meaning in the selection formula the meaning of the idiom misuse stand out it has resulted in the answer is more than the use of the original. And "that it is funny and irresistible" in the original meaning is "that there are no way to frustrating" (49%) exceeded more than doubled (20%) In "Funpan thing".

The question is whether "write a letter in everyday handwriting", the percentage of people that handwriting the "body, such as a letter or postcard" was around 11 points under the survey of eight years ago at 64%. Handwriting group stays at 30% in the "text, such as a report or reports", fell 16 points from the previous survey. I support that with the spread of personal computers and mobile phones, the opportunity to hand the sentence is reduced.

The questions about face-to-face communication, the proportion of people with and people with "something to say their is not transmitted to the other party" experience, "won such can understand that I want to say the people" experience of more than 60% of both was. For the cause, responded that "There is a problem to me" and stands out as the younger generation, there is no tendency to self-confidence interaction was observed.

I should go to enrich language is a Japanese identity (Japanese) education. I should probably focus on language education in English education or more. In English I am a "i", but there are various expressions in Japanese.

I think you know the splendor and depth of Japanese culture through learning the language, pride in Japan is either not coming birth.

 誤用が目立つ慣用句の意味を選択式で5つ出題したところ、「噴飯もの」「流れに棹(さお)さす」「役不足」「気が置けない」の4つで、本来 の意味ではない回答が本来の使い方を上回る結果となった。「噴飯もの」では本来の意味の「おかしくてたまらないこと」(20%)を「腹立たしくて仕方ない こと」(49%)が倍以上上回った。
 「ふだん手書きで文字を書くか」という設問では、「はがきや手紙などの本文」を手書きする人の割合は64%で8年前の調査を11ポイント下 回った。「報告書やリポートなどの文章」では手書き派が30%にとどまり、前回調査より16ポイント減った。パソコンや携帯電話の普及に伴い、文章を手書きする機会が減少していることを裏付けた。
 対面コミュニケーションに関する質問では、「自分の言いたいことが相手に伝わらなかった」経験がある人と、「人の言いたいことを理解できな かった」経験がある人の割合がともに6割を超えた。原因については、若い世代ほど「自分に問題がある」との回答が目立ち、対話に自信がない傾向がみられた。

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