

Associate Professor Kabashima (dermatology) of Kyoto University discovered the compound which softens atopic dermatitis by improving the barrier function of a cutaneous surface to protect the body from the exterior for the first time.
It succeeded also in confirming an effect by human skin cells, making a mouse drink, and curing condition.
It is expected that it leads to development of a new curative medicine with few side effects.
The U.S. allergy technical magazine electronic edition will announce on the 17th.
This compound is an organic compound called JTC801 currently sold as a reagent.
When added to the skin cells of the humans who cultivated, the quantity of the protein "Fira green" which is made in a cutaneous surface and supports a barrier function increased by about 10 times.
Furthermore, when every 30 mg per weight of 1 km of this compound was given every day from six weeks of after-the-birth time the mouse of the special family line which gets atopic dermatitis hereditarily is attacked with, the condition of the skin became good clearly in four weeks.
I would like to expect also from my surroundings the thing which is troubled by atopy and which are connected with development of a new curative medicine in the early stage since it buys.

 さらに、遺伝的にアトピー性皮膚炎になる特殊な家系のマウスに、発病する生後6週間ごろから、この化合物を体重1キロあたり30ミリグラムずつ毎日飲ませると、4週間で皮膚の症状がはっきりよくなった。 私のまわりにもアトピーで苦しんでいるかいますので新しい治療薬の開発に早い段階で結びついていくことを期待したいですね。

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