
University may vanish in 100 schools over the next 10 years(向こう10年で大学が100校消えるかもしれない)

It has long been called the "Era of Open Admissions" University, the University is bankrupt, stop forced recruitment of student cases, closed down and began to stand out.
Reached the age of severe selection finally university. Well as peace and because age is the highest institution of learning is over. Mr. Kimura "private universities remain dangerous private universities" alarming "and may disappear over the next 10 years 100 schools in the university," the author of (Asahi Shinsho), the following guideline cited to explore the soundness of the University of that.
"The number of students" first. This is from the student-student Fri delivery, such as tuition and enrollment fee is 60 to 70% on an average income of private universities. It is because the number of students for management means the company's sales as it is.
Also, look at the "number of students per teacher," that the rich know that how much education and research activities is the mission of the original university.
Employment "" (a guide to know the size of fixed assets and the adequacy of educational facilities) area of ​​the school building per student "" (one measure of the adequacy of education at the University of view) the number of books per student ", and other rate of change that the items listed applicants "" number of applicants "" rate "of (five years).
It was made based on these is the "survival Ranking leading private universities." University listed in the top five universities is as follows. I might be going will disappear as soon as a number of famous.
Keio University, 2011 # 1
Tokai University 2011 # 2
Kinki University, 2011 # 3
Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2011 # 4
Meisei: # 5
You also feel like there are too many universities too. I hope there is university stand beyond the strict selection.
Tough times, universities are not misled by the rhetoric, such as a website or name recognition, I want to choose on the merits is not true.
"Private universities Private universities remain dangerous" (Asahi Shinsho), this may seem a protection certificate students, high school and university officials, a must-read.

大学がいよいよ厳しい淘汰の時代を迎えた。最高学府だからと安穏としていられる時代は終わった。「向こう10年で大学が100校消えるかもしれない」と警鐘を鳴らす『危ない私立大学 残る私立大学』(朝日新書)の著者の木村さんは、大学の健全度をさぐるための次の目安を挙げている。
『危ない私立大学 残る私立大学』(朝日新書)は、受験生・保護者、高校・大学関係者、必読の書かもしれませんね。

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