
Internet in English teaching for students applying to more than one school in Japan and overseas universities(日本と海外の大学を併願する学生向けに英語のインターネット授業)

(HD) in September, start the Internet in English classes across the country for students applying to more than one school from the University of Benesse Holdings, Japan and overseas. Conversation with teachers and classmates from a small home computer, learn the English proficiency examination of large overseas possible. You determine advancement needs to rise more and more overseas Japanese companies seeking global human resources, and expected demand.

To be able to attend local teenagers on the net also applying to more than one school courses overseas large "Ochanomizu Seminar" cram school was offered under the two last spring in the classroom in Tokyo. Enhance the image and two-way audio feature films, by the character input, we developed a system comparable to the learning effect in the classroom can be expected. Tuition is expected to ¥ 20,000 units 4 times a month in the classroom. The first year, hopes to collect hundreds of students.

(NJ) has been provided in the local English language education for the U.S. to go to college Benesse subsidiary Berlitz Corporation of HD. Comprehensive support from Japan to enroll in courses in conjunction with the large net of applying to more than one school overseas.

It seems the HD Benesse estimates of the number of students to go to college overseas is increasing, has reached one thousand to two thousand to three people per year. Will be evaluated and is easy to students who are new graduates with overseas experience, it is spreading overseas study in a prospective customer base. I would not feel that the potential needs to think in terms of increasing employment. Young people should go I will go out and also to overcome a sense of stagnation in Japan. Work in progress in mind in the world move beyond the narrow frame of Japan. I might have like the best course. What I notice is how much students gather.

ベ ネッセホールディングス(HD)は9月、日本と海外の大学を併願する学生向けに英語のインターネット授業を全国で始める。自宅のパソコンから講師や少人数 のクラスメートと会話し、海外大の受験が可能な英語力を身につける。グローバル人材を求める日本企業が増えて海外への進学ニーズが高まり、需要が見込める と判断した。
 傘下の進学塾「お茶の水ゼミナール」が東京都内の2教室で昨春開講した海外大併願コースを地方の中高生もネットで受講できるようにする。映 像と音声、文字入力による双方向機能を充実、教室での授業並みの学習効果が期待できるシステムを開発した。月4回の授業で月謝は2万円台の見通し。初年度 は数百人の生徒を集めたい考え。

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