
Demonstrate the first time in "Mother Courage" good(よき“肝っ玉母さん”ぶりを発揮)

Overnight from the break of dawn six days gave birth to a baby giant panda "Sing Sing", Vice-Principal Fukuda (Taito-ku, Tokyo) is a press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, a piece of baby breastfeeding well. Frequently "Right now the Ueno Zoo with a smile that said, "and good" Do not let that take care when you're first time demonstrated the "Mother Courage.

5 days delivery has been confirmed, observed overnight in the picture of two cameras in two staff people. Sing Sing are supposed to lie on your left side of the body while holding the baby tightly in her right breast, raising the reaction as soon as the baby cries. Causing the body to every 15 minutes, holding that the breastfeeding importantly the shorter.

Vice Principal Fukuda, in a healthy state that "with the baby sucking hard guns", which describes the first time in his mother that "you care enough". China is also talk that the staff of five who joined the evening "She is a mother said," and.

"It is through the video, feel that again. Panda see the picture have to worry about, watching the baby always loving animal and I" is Vice Principal and Fukuda told Kangaibuka gain. It is likely that human beings should follow content.

ジャイアントパンダ「シンシン」が赤ちゃんを出産してから一夜明けた6日、上野動物園(東京都台東区)の福田副園長は都庁で記者会見し、 「今のところ順調。頻繁に授乳し赤ちゃんを片時も離さず面倒をみている」と、よき“肝っ玉母さん”ぶりを発揮していることを笑顔で語った。

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