
"Kosera" online course(オンライン講座「コーセラ」)

How even poor, and who will, "Kosera" for free online courses receive world-class university lectures. Last week, the world's leading university has 12 schools announced its participation in the new "dream" this was founded by two Stanford University researchers U.S. (Stanford University).
"Kosera" is a program launched in February this year, Associate Professor, Professor Daphne Koller and operating Andrew Stanford. Professor Koller is described this way. Our vision students from all over the world ", receive the best education regardless of country and home environment, the economic circumstances to live, it is called, where you can learn valuable skills or expand your ideas it. in which education is not a privilege, to be right "
It has provided a lecture on school four large U.S., including Princeton University and Stanford Until now, 12 universities world last week, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Duke University, U.S., such as the University of Edinburgh British applied here have been announced.

I hope that if you can place a variety of young people learn is that conscious, to learn beyond the boundaries of religion, such as the gap between rich and poor skin and thought-principle. I want to hope that the Free also become a place of education from age to learn to pay high money. I can feel that many campuses have caused a swell worldwide want to join us. For more information, please visit the http://www.stanford.edu/online/courses.

誰であろうと、どれほど貧しくとも、世界トップクラスの大学の講義が無料で受けられるオンライン講座「コーセラ」。米スタンフォード大学(Stanford University)の研究者2人が立ち上げたこの「夢」に前週、新たに世界の一流大学12校が参加を表明した。
学ぼうという意識のある様々な若者が、皮膚や主義・思想・宗教・貧富の差等の垣根を越えて学べる場ができればいいですね。高いお金を払って学ぶ時代から教育の場もFreeになっていくことを期待したいですね。多くの大学が、ぜひ参加して世界的なうねりを引き起こしてほしい気がしますね。詳しい内容は、http://www.stanford.edu/online/courses をご覧ください。

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