
Been stable for 30 minutes in the power generation voltage of 330 to 350 volts(330~350ボルトの電圧で30分間安定して発電)

Kyushukogyodai announced (Tobata-ku Kitakyushu City) is 10 days, produced by these students, a small artificial satellite launched by H2A rocket in May, and was succeeded in power generation of solar cells on the surface of 350 volts. In the solar cell power generation of the universe is called the world's highest value.

Satellite "(Tsuyoshi to Ho-ritsu) 弐号 Dragon Bong" of about 30 centimeters on a side. According to the Kyushu Institute of Technology, to parse the data when the experiment was eight days in orbit of 680 km altitude, power generation have been stable for 30 minutes at a voltage of 330 to 350 volts has been confirmed. Solar cell power generation in space is 160 volts was the best so far. KIT has been "It's the world's first feat," the results of this experiment.

Long Feng is 弐号, he worked for two years from design to production is approximately about 35 people from graduate students and undergraduate students of engineering of Kyushu Institute of Technology Tobata campus. In May, carried into space from the Tanegashima Space Center H2A rocket was launched in Kagoshima Prefecture.

  If you can supply a stable voltage of just this, so it is a wider range for various applications.

 衛星は1辺が約30センチの「鳳龍弐号(ほうりゅうにごう)」。九工大によると、高度680キロの軌道上で8日に実験した際のデータを解析し、 330~350ボルトの電圧で30分間安定して発電していることが確認された。これまで宇宙での太陽電池発電は160ボルトが最高だった。九工大は今回の 実験結果を「世界初の快挙だ」としている。

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