
Embark on a survey of offshore drilling off the coast of Hachinohe in the "earth ship" for Deep Earth Exploration(地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」で八戸沖の海底掘削調査に乗り出す)

In order to clarify the relationship between microbial methane hydrate under the seabed and which is expected as a next-generation energy, marine research and development mechanism from the end of July, embark on a survey of offshore drilling off the coast of Hachinohe in the "earth ship" for Deep Earth Exploration.
Methane hydrate, the substance of the sherbet of methane gas and other carbon compounds used in the city, was incorporated into ice crystals at high pressure and low temperature. Under the seabed has been accumulated in the shallow strata. Have seen methane is prepared by microbial activity is captured carbon "coal layer" deeper than about 2,000 m below the seafloor, and methane hydrate can be reached the shallow strata.
Shallow strata beneath the seafloor methane hydrate there is an international team has found out in 2006, that there are many microorganisms. However, the way people relate to the process of generating concrete detailed microbial ecology and methane is not known.
Investigation is part of international projects in 25 countries to participate, and about 2200 m depth over two months the ocean floor 1180 meters deep off the coast of Hachinohe about 80 kilometers, to collect samples of the strata. Was prospecting about 650 meters to the same place in 2006, this time further drill down to the coal seam. Under investigation as well as drilling progresses in many parts of the world, off the coast of Hachinohe microorganisms for rich, fulfilling outcomes are expected.
Senior Research Fellow, Inagaki agency's to participate in the study of microorganisms. Put the female in science for the first time in coal seams produce a "methane, want to deepen their understanding has been known to be present up to 1626 m below the seafloor, the survey that said, "will update its limit is.
Means, I want to hope to elucidate the interaction, will lead to the discovery of methane hydrate. I want to take the initiative in the development of marine resources in Japan.


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