
Announced that it has discovered the Higgs boson and new particles can be seen(ヒッグス粒子とみられる新粒子を発見したと発表)

(CERN) is four days, seen as a Higgs boson Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Europe are looking at the particle leads to (mass) of weight, has not been found but is predicted to exist in about 50 years ago in substance the "Higgs boson" announced that it had discovered a new particle. Published a consensus based on the latest research results of two experimental teams in Japan, the United States and Europe. In conclusion outlook leaves the end of the year have further verified, the history of physics discoveries were imminent.

Be a Higgs boson is one of the elementary particle which is the smallest unit of matter, and that the weight given to all substances. "Last particle" only, not found in the particles was shown in the "standard theory" of the fundamental laws of elementary particle

Immediately after the Big Bang birth of the universe is, elementary particle has no mass, and was flying to freedom at the speed of light. Higgs particles are considered to act as brakes of syrup to elementary particles, and was allowed to "win" the mass.

In the last undiscovered particle, its discovery would be the results of the Nobel Prize while class is expected in the standard theory.

CERN is emphasized consensus, while preliminary results "that was observed is a revolutionary new particles, but its meaning is very important," and. Predicted that with the Higgs particle to determine whether the end of the year.

New particles was confirmed by the observation that it has approximately 130 times the mass of the proton. "It also remains possible new particle is a particle of another unknown, the most likely candidate Higgs boson" is shallow, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo participated in the experiment said.

The discovery of new particles, it is amazing. It is likely to form was also demonstrated the correctness of the "standard theory" in this. I want to take them to promote further research to confirm.

物質に重さ(質量)をもたらす素粒子で、約50年前に存在が予言されながら見つかっていない「ヒッグス粒子」を探している欧州合同原子核研究所 (CERN)は4日、ヒッグス粒子とみられる新粒子を発見したと発表した。日米欧の2つの実験チームの最新の研究成果を基に統一見解を公表した。さらに検 証して年内にも結論が出る見通しで、物理学の歴史に残る大発見が間近に迫った。

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