
Strategy Department of Marine Resources(海洋資源戦略室)

Order to strengthen the government's space development strategy, "room space strategy" of the Cabinet Office was established 12 days.

Organizations such as the playmaker has the authority and general coordination of ministries, responsible for research and development of the universe, and industrial development. Cabinet Office was established in accordance with the established room space strategy, to discuss the budget and policy Committee "space policy".

Room space strategy, the top a new Deputy Director-General of the universe, consisting of approximately 30 members of staff. Such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and coordinate with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry responsible for formulating space policy, responsible for the field of industrial use, research and development, promote prioritization of policy, the efficiency. Development of Quasi-Zenith Satellite conduct for building (Global Positioning System), GPS version also be operated in Japan, mainly in the Asian region, aimed at the spread of the use.

Space policy committee has been established, such as the abolition of the Space Activities Commission of the Ministry of Education. Part-time experts (number of committee members within seven people) consists of, the outlook appointment to a close decision. The request of the strategy room, etc., to discuss the validity of the satellite launch plan policies and allocation of budget emphasis involved in space policy, and safety. Measures for each ministry, you can also get recommendations and opinions.

It will also air as well as room and space strategy, Japan is a maritime nation, I want also launched "Strategy Department of Marine Resources" national strategy for marine resource room will hold the survival of the future of humanity.

宇宙戦略室は、新設の宇宙審議官をトップに、約30人のスタッフからなる。宇宙政策を立案し、産業利用分野を担当する経済産業省、研究開発を担う 文部科学省などと調整して、政策の重点化、効率化を進める。日本版GPS(全地球測位システム)を構築するための準天頂衛星の整備、運用も行い、アジア地 域を中心に、利用の普及を狙う。
 宇宙政策委員会は、文科省の宇宙開発委員会などを廃止して新設された。非常勤の有識者(委員数は7人以内)で構成、近く人選が決定する見通し。戦 略室などの要請に応じ、宇宙政策に関わる予算の重点配分方針や人工衛星打ち上げ計画の妥当性、安全性などを審議する。各省の施策に対し、勧告や意見を出す こともできる。

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