
The results of the 46th general election?

From 7:00 am today, the 46th general election ballot begins with polling stations throughout the country. Democrats and the victory in the last general election, 2009, the trial of the voters scramble down to the battle of the Liberal Democratic government, with the opposition Party and New Komeito. Voting will be closed at 8 pm, many expected to be found also in the middle of the night on the same day. In some areas, the voting deadline brought forward.

Over the total of 480 seats in the 300-seat constituencies and 11 blocks nationwide proportional representation (seats 180), 1504 Most people have run under the current Constitution. 12 of the most contested in the party is after the introduction of the current electoral system. By all means, I want you to go out to vote. I want to quietly watch the election results be also influenced by the Japanese, or whether we start moving in any direction.

第46回衆院選は今日午前7時から、全国各地の投票所で投票が始まる。前回2009年衆院選で大勝した民主党と、野党の自民、公明両党による政権 争奪の攻防に有権者の審判が下る。投票は午後8時に締め切られ、同日深夜にも大勢が判明する見通し。一部地域では投票締め切り時間が繰り上げられる。

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