
Developed a prototype of a small flying surveillance robot for the world's first private security.

Secom has developed a prototype of a small flying surveillance robot for the world's first private security. I announced that the goal of commercialization in 2014.

In addition to image analysis techniques and image recognition technology that we have developed, such as "SECOM IX" and "System SECOM AX" surveillance remote image of the company, use of the sensor "laser" sensor intrusion monitoring and an outdoor robot "Secom Robot X" tour monitoring outdoor sensing technology was, and even take advantage of technologies such as robots. To track suspicious individuals who break into stores and parking lots at night and the grounds of the company, certainly captures the characteristics of the offender, to fly autonomous surveillance robot that can record clear images. It looks like from the perspective of security if deemed able to watch from the sky.

 同社の遠隔画像監視システム「セコムAX」や「セコムIX」などで培ってきた画像認識技術や画像分析技術のほか、屋外巡回監視ロボット「セコムロボット X」や屋外侵入監視センサー「レーザーセンサー」で活用したセンシング技術、さらにはロボット技術などを活用。自律飛行する監視ロボットが、企業の敷地や 夜間の店舗駐車場などに侵入した不審者を追跡し、犯人の特徴を確実に捉え、鮮明な画像で記録可能という。空から監視出来るようになれば防犯という観点からの万全といった感じになりますね。

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