
I want to go for a while in this state.

 23, the Emperor was 79-year-old birthday. Prior to this, is to face the press at the palace, the Imperial Palace. "Right now on about reducing the burden on the public affairs, said the need to deal fairly with examples and Emperor Hirohito was continued to attend the event public even after the age of 80, the various events, while the "We want to go at this rate, I was shown the negative thoughts.

I mentioned the crown prince and Prince Akishino and be served instead when sick, "not worry about anything, I'm encouraged," said.

I will "to talk about a desire to attend the memorial service first anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have carried out the surgery in time for it" with respect to coronary artery bypass surgery cardiac received on February 18, and worry a lot of people "with, "said multiplied, I was showing gratitude to the national health care.

It was also concerned about the people who are engaged and those who do not come back to his hometown in the impact of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, debris handling, and decontamination. I was said about Okinawa Prefecture visited for the first time in eight years in November "I thing calamity suffered by the people of Okinawa in the war, and I is not important that the share throughout the Japanese." Happy Birthday. With a view to reducing the burden, I want you to hit the public service while being noted in the body.

  2月18日に受けた心臓冠動脈バイパス手術に関しては、「東日本大震災一周年追悼式に出席したいという希望をお話しし、それに間に合うように手術を行って いただきました」とし、「多くの人々に心配を掛けました」と述べるとともに、健康を気遣う国民に感謝の気持ちを示された。
 また、東京電力 福島第1原発事故の影響で故郷に帰れない人々や、がれき処理、除染などに従事する人々を案じられた。11月に8年ぶりに訪問した沖縄県については「戦争で 沖縄の人々の被った災難というものは、日本人全体で分かち合うということが大切ではないかと思っています」と述べられた。お誕生日おめでとうございます。負担軽減も視野に入れながら、体に留意されながら公務に当たって欲しいですね。

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