
Superconducting cable developed the world's highest level of power that can be at a high voltage of about twice that of the prior art.

Furukawa Electric has announced research group, such as the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and (NEDO), and has developed the world's highest level of superconducting cable that can power at a high voltage of about twice that of the prior art.
The "Asian emerging economies and an increase in electricity demand is expected, in urban areas in Japan, aiming at practical use of 2020 and".

When cooled to very low temperature cable, you as possible superconducting phenomenon that the resistance becomes zero occurs, significantly reduces the loss of electricity during transmission. The research group, such as improved insulation, has developed a high-voltage power transmission cable that can be of 275 km, which is equivalent to approximately twice the bolt conventional superconducting cable. According to an estimate, the loss of power during transmission is that not more than one-quarter compared to copper cables that are commonly used.

I have this cable must be cooled to minus 200 degrees near the liquid nitrogen through in the future, such as NEDO is promoting the development of efficient cooling technology. I guess the profit is fit enough to be considered the initial investment, such as a cooling system. We hope that an efficient cooling system is completed in a small size.

 ケーブルを超低温に冷やすと、電気抵抗がゼロになる超電導現象が起き、送電時の電気の損失を大幅に減らすことができ る。研究グループは絶縁体を改良するなどし、従来の超電導ケーブルの約2倍にあたる275キロ・ボルトの高電圧の送電ができるケーブルを開発した。試算に よると、送電時の電力の損失は、一般に使われる銅線ケーブルに比べて4分の1以下だという。

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