Emperor, was announced in writing thoughts to welcome the New Year.
I feel sympathy for the victims was to welcome the second winter of the Great East Japan Earthquake, have lived in temporary housing and refuge due to radioactive contamination "and are deeply worried about again." And "I hope that the city planning and disaster prevention education by making a sufficient experience of the damage is done" as a countermeasure against earthquake, everyone "while feel sympathy to the victims, we will continue to overcome the difficulties various mutually support each other I spelled "We hope so.
In addition to visiting the Kumamoto Prefecture for the convention creating rich sea nationwide in October, the Tottori Prefecture for Arbor Day nationwide in May, scheduled for this year the Emperor, the Empress, is performed in Tokyo in September it is national polity to attend the opening ceremony. Emperor greeted the age of 80 in December. We hope that parents will spend healthily as Japan.
天皇、皇后両陛下の今年の予定は、5月に全国植樹祭のため鳥取県を、10月に全国豊かな海づくり大会のため熊本県を訪問するほか、9月には東京都内で行われる国体開会式に出席される。天皇陛下は12月に80歳を迎えられる。 日本の父母として健やかに過ごされることを祈念いたします。
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