
Developed a plastic that is made primarily for Euglena.

9 days, such as the research team and Miyazaki (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology has announced that it has developed a plastic that is made primarily for a kind of algae Euglena photosynthesis.

And it has the added benefit of being easy to culture, photosynthetic efficiency is better than land plants Euglena. Compared to conventional plastics made ​​from petroleum, it can be expected to be less carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the manufacturing process.

The team noted that the Euglena, have the ability to make a large amount of sugar as a raw material of the plastic polymer in the cell. Remove the sugar to react with the oil of cashew nut shell oil or of Euglena, was synthesized plastic. About 70% of the ingredients derived from plants, plastic can heat resistance and ease of processing that was equivalent plastic from oil.

I'm talking chief scientist on the lawn of the institute is "to practical use, but still many issues, I want to durable material to improve the strength, and". Save the future of humanity might Euglena.

  チームはミドリムシが、細胞内でプラスチックの原料となる高分子の糖を大量に作る能力があることに注目。この糖を取り出し、ミドリムシの油脂かカシュー ナッツの殻の油脂と反応させ、プラスチックを合成した。できたプラスチックは成分の約70%が植物由来で、加工のしやすさや耐熱性は石油からのプラスチッ クと同等だったという。

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