The research team has seen improvement in memory by a similar mechanism, and may have also occurred in humans.
Electric shock let smell certain flies satiety and flies were fasted one day after that, from the Chief Scientist plains of the institute, whether to avoid the smell, which was reminiscent unpleasant were examined. As a result, when compared to satiety, if you give a shock after fasting for 9-16 hours, was approximately 2-fold higher percentage to avoid the smell.
Observation of the nerve cells in the brain of the fly, combined with another protein involved in the storage protein called "CRTC" and become hungry is activated, I found that increasing this work. The midst of the season exam, the effect in humans, but anxious, because some people, is considered sufficient. However, Mr. Hirano "CRTC that the memory skills to improve hungry modest to improve memory skills, the various I'm talking only rely on study of hunger. they may cause is "not recommended.
Indeed, from the time of satiety felt moderate fasting is to improve memory skills, but also to human beings, to human beings is not only adapt guess it's difficult.
この匂いを避けるかどうかを調べた。その結果、9~16時間の絶食後にショックを与えた場合は、満腹時に比べ、匂いを避ける割合が約2倍高かった。ハエの脳内の神経細胞を観察したところ、空腹になると「CRTC」と呼ばれるたんぱく質が活発化して記憶に関係する別のたんぱく質と結合し、この 働きが高まることがわかった。受験シーズンのさなか、人での効果が気になるが、平野さんは「CRTCは人にもあるため、適度な空腹で記憶力が改善すること は十分考えられる。ただし、記憶力向上には、さまざまな要因がある。空腹での勉強だけに頼るのはお勧めできない」と話している。
確かに、人間にも満腹時よりは適度の空腹時が 記憶力が向上する気はしますが、それだけではない人間には適応させるのは難しいですね。
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