
The Japanese claim is correct dispute over the Senkaku.

In the "Annals of Ming Emperor" diary official of the Ming Dynasty of China, between the messengers of Japan, provincial governor of the bright waters to be the ruler of the Ming archipelago Matsu in Taiwan with the Chinese side Senkaku Islands from (Okinawa) stated that up, (literature Han) to find Associate Professor Ishii large heart pure Nagasaki, he revealed to the press conference in the city of Nagasaki on the morning of July 21, the description was a sea of ​​its outer and can cruise freely.

Claims that currently, China and has dominated from the Ming Dynasty 600 years ago about the Senkaku Islands, at a press conference, "even historically, Ishii dispute over the Senkaku is the claim of the Japanese I said that is correct, "and can be seen from this historical materials.

I found Mr. Ishii, the description of the Annals of Emperor Ming August 1617 hit in the early Edo period. With a record of when the "vice envoy Kaido was" Secretary to protect the coast (Kaibo inspector general) was arrested and interrogated road Akashi messenger friend from Nagasaki, had been paid as an address to the throne to the emperor.

Based on the record of the messenger, who was dispatched to Okinawa in the late Ming Dynasty 1530, control of the boundary waters between the islands in the Ryukyu Islands Taisho same Kumejima on the east side of the Senkaku Islands, China, Diaoyu such as claims that it was a territory of the Ming. However, by this description, the rule of the Ming waters Ishii pointed out in up to 40 kilo-meters from the coast, it was "ownerless land" does not belong in any country is, has become apparent Senkaku Islands are. The Japanese government has been after confirming that the investigation is "ownerless land" is the Senkaku Islands, and was incorporated in 1895 in Japan. I wonder why it has also put a cavil, China. Would have to go to create a framework to deal with countries surrounding China to unite.

 中国は、明王朝の1530年代に琉球に派遣された使者の記録をもとに、琉球の支配海域の境界は尖閣諸島の東側にある久米島と同諸島の大正島の間に あり、魚釣島などは明の領土だったと主張している。だが、今回の記述により、明の支配海域は沿岸から約40キロ・メートルまでで、尖閣諸島はどこの国にも 属さない「無主地」だったことが明らかになった、と石井氏は指摘している。日本政府は、尖閣諸島が「無主地」であることを調査・確認したうえで、1895 年に日本に編入したとしている。中国は、また難癖をつけてくるんでしょうね。中国を取り巻く諸国が結束して対処する体制をつくっていかなければならないでしょうね。

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