
Determined to be "Ginrei" nickname.

By day 31, "ShindaiSat (bed Sath)" aims to launch an ultra-compact satellite Prof. Nakajima of the Department of Science and Technology, Graduate School of the university in collaboration with companies in the prefecture for the company Shinanomainichishinbun Shinshu University and from all over the country I decided to "Ginrei" a nickname that has been offering. Satellite will be completed by the end of 2013. Raised during the year hit, it plans to challenge the "Visible Light Communication Experiment" of ultra-long distance to communicate with the ground in the light of the light-emitting diode (LED). Nicknamed recruit 9-11 May 2000, have been submitted to a total of 4038 points from 47 prefectures in the postcard and e-mail. Written by many applicants per grade classes from elementary and junior high school and high school.

The end of the year, the selection committee Tamagawa Seiki-Hagimoto adviser ken satellite Shinshu made ​​with companies and organizations involved in the operation Vice President Sasamoto of large communication, manufacturing and satellite by Chairman (Iida) has undergone a selection spare "dicentra I chose the "Man On The Silver Mountain" finally out of 10 draft, such as "sparkling" ".

"Man On The Silver Mountain", a total of six people men and women in their 10-40 living in Nagano Prefecture and Kumamoto Prefecture proposed. Point of the satellite image and the "Man On The Silver Mountain" represents the snow-capped mountains in Nagano, shining in space overlap, feel expectations for the experiment using light became the reason selection. Some people mentioned that the applicant is in the Festival "Man On The Silver Mountain" is a large festival of trust. In addition to being awarded the "Certificate of godmother" to six people have applied, stating the names of all the plate is mounted on the satellite to fly in space.

I hope to be completed successfully because it is the first satellite Shinshu, successfully launched.

信州大学と信濃毎日新聞社は31日までに、同大大学院理工学系研究科の中島教授らが県内企業と協力して打ち上げを目指す超小型人工衛星 「ShindaiSat(シンダイサット)」について、全国から公募していた愛称を「ぎんれい」に決めた。衛星は2013年中に完成予定。同年度中に打ち 上げられ、発光ダイオード(LED)の光で地上と通信する超長距離の「可視光通信実験」に挑む計画だ。 愛称は12年9~11月に募集し、はがきやメールなどで47都道府県から計4038点の応募があった。小中学校や高校から学年・クラス単位での応募も多数寄せられた。
 「ぎんれい」は、長野県と熊本県に住む10~40代の男女計6人が提案。雪を頂く信州の山々を表す「銀嶺」と、宇宙で輝く衛星のイメージが重なり、光を 用いた実験への期待も感じさせる点が選考理由となった。応募者の中には信大の学園祭が「銀嶺祭」であることを挙げた人もいた。 応募した6人には「名付け親認定証」が贈られるほか、全員の氏名を記したプレートが、宇宙に飛び立つ衛星に搭載される。

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