
Developed a technique to predict before March maximize hard drive failure.

Toshiba has developed a technique for predicting prior to March maximize the failure of a hard disk drive (HDD) that is built into the computer. Patterned background to analyze operational data worth of 1.66 million units, up to the failure. Knuckles the possibility of failure by examining the 43 items such as the number of errors and changes in reading speed.
We put the software to record in detail the movement of the HDD to the laptop-house from 2008, Toshiba He collected data with the consent of the user. Important part of the computer to record a variety of information, HDD or you can pre-sent for repairs, or want to save the data if you can predict failure.
Toshiba will begin service enterprise in 2001, to predict failure for a fee. Future is that it provides a service for individuals as well. I want to set up an early personalized service at a low cost.

 東芝は13年度中に、有料で故障を予知する企業向けサービスを始める。将来は個人向けにもサービスを提供するという。 安価で個人向けサービスを早期に立ち上げてほしいですね。

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