
Winners of the oldest in history.

16 days, 148 times Akutagawa, Naoki Prize selection committee of the (organized Nihonbungakushinkokai) will be held in the "Shinkiraku" restaurant in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Mr. Kuroda Natsuko "the ab us" (75) is Waseda Akutagawa ("I decided to) No. 5 "literature. Updated for the first time in 39 years (61 years 11 months) Mr. Atsushi Mori, Mr. Kuroda was decided to first Akutagawa Award nominations, the oldest ever winner who received the award in the "Gassan" in 1974 it will be.

Akutagawa is from Mr. Kuroda of Tokyo. Waseda university graduates. After debut and junior high school teachers and proofreader for free, award-winning rookie Waseda literature in the "coral ab" last year. Winner, the unique style of full horizontal. Eliminating a proper noun and Katakana, lined with soft wording Fragments with many unique hiragana, highlights the workings of the nuclear family with Showa. Late February, presentation ceremony will be held in Tokyo.

By all means, I feel that I want to read that. I hope you give hope to those trying to live a life in writer second, third.

第148回芥川賞・直木賞(日本文学振興会主催)の選考会が16日、東京・築地の料亭「新喜楽」で開かれ、芥川賞は黒田夏子さん(75)の「abさ んご」(「早稲田文学」5号)に決まった。初のノミネートで芥川賞に決まった黒田さんは、昭和49年に「月山」で同賞を受けた森敦さん(61歳11カ月) を39年ぶりに更新し、史上最年長の受賞者となる。

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