
3D printer.

From the blueprint that you saved to your computer, "3D printer" can produce a solid product with a simple operation. Future, if it is introduced into the home, on the desk might turn into the manufacturing plant. Technology from the large-scale production of standardized goods, and to have the potential to multi-product production, making things change radically.
Family photos taken to commemorate the entrance ceremony and seven hundred fifty-three. Closes the album, it will be soon in the pages of memories. Figure in the photo like that, instead of a three-dimensional figure.
Late last year, making the figure of the family in Tokyo "Photo Gallery 3D" is opened, a lot of young people were packed. Inc., which was organized by the party, "I want to hold me over was invited to the event, such as, a variety of voices. Moreover one." Possibility that the plant will be home because the price of the whole gamut "3D printer" is sufficient.

 昨年暮れ、都内で家族のフィギュアをつくる「3D写真館」が開かれ、大勢の若者らが詰めかけた。主催した株式会社パーティーは、「イベントへのお誘いなど、様々な声をかけて頂いた。いずれまた開催したい」という。 「3Dプリンター」の価格もピンからキリまでありますから家庭が工場になる可能性は十分ありますね。

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