
Support long-term study of about 110 billion yen in a decade.

10 days, in order to accelerate the regenerative medicine and drug discovery using the (induced pluripotent stem cells) iPS cells have the ability to change into a variety of cells, the government support long-term study of ¥ 1100 billion over 10 years I decided to do.

On the same day, met with Professor Shinya Yamanaka, Kyoto University, was awarded the Nobel Prize in the study of cells iPS, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Shimomura phase was expressed. To clarify the position as a national strategy to commercialize the world's first innovative research results from Japan, leading to the strengthening of international competitiveness.

In the supplementary budget for this fiscal year, the Ministry of Education, which is responsible for research and development policy of iPS cells, for example, accounted for about 20 billion yen brand new research building of the Institute of Kyoto University and iPS cell research center. For 10 years, subject to a wide range of domestic iPS cell research, you will be including the continued support of about 9 billion yen each further every year since new. Expanded significantly (approximately 20 billion yen to 30 billion scale) response to the fact that budget support has become Shikirinaoshi in regime change, the ministry was already announced. I feel that the country is full support for practical application. In this day and age that the raw values ​​for the changing. Maybe Do not ask that the true meaning of life.

iPS細胞の研究開発政策を担当する文科省が、今年度の補正予算案で、研究拠点となる京大iPS細胞研究所の研究棟新築などに約200億円を計上。さらに新年度から10年間、国内の広範なiPS細胞研究を対象に、毎年約90億円ずつ継続的な支援を盛り込んでいく。政権交代で予算編成が仕切り直し になったことを受け、文科省が表明済みだった支援規模(約200億~300億円)を大幅に拡充する。実用化に向けて国が全面的な支援をするという感じですね。生に対する価値観が変わりゆく時代です。生きるということの真の意味を問わないといけないのかもしれませんね。

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